Career Exploration Day

andyIn the Community

On November 6th, Mauna Loa Helicopters had the pleasure of attending Waimea Middle Public Conversion Charter School’s Career Exploration Day. This year we were one of sixty-nine community presenters from a wide range o career paths speaking to the 6th t-threw 8th graders about becoming helicopter pilots. This event was a great experience for Assistant Chief Pilots Paige Groff and Kaj Loken-Kim as they shared their experiences from being students to instructors now holding management positions with our school. 40 students selected “helicopter pilot” as their career path and were able to climb into the R66 and learn more about the aircraft and flight training. We hope to see a few of these familiar faces in the future training at our school. 

Thank you Waimea Middle School for having us, we hope to be invited again.