Several snacks sit out on a decorated table. There's a flyer that says "celebrate constitution day", a card that says "we the people", a flyer that says "trivia", and several booklets titled "The Constitution of the United States" artfully displayed. In the background is an office cubicle with a banner saying "celebrate constitution day"

Constitution Day 2023

andyStudent Life

Recently, Mauna Loa Helicopters and Mauna Loa Aero celebrated the Constitution Day. Students were treated to snacks and pocket Constitutions. Knowledge was tested through a fun trivia game that ended with sweet prizes.

What is Constitution Day, you may ask? Let’s talk about it!

Every year on September 17th, the United States commemorates Constitution Day, a day dedicated to celebrating the signing of one of the most influential documents in history—the United States Constitution. This day provides an excellent opportunity to reflect on the principles, values, and rights that form the bedrock of our nation’s democracy.

Several snacks sit out on a decorated table. There's a flyer that says "trivia" in front of a bowl full of folded cards.

Constitution Day is more than just an anniversary; it’s an opportunity to remind ourselves of the fundamental principles that shape our nation. Here are some key reasons why we celebrate Constitution Day:

  1. Preserving Democracy: The Constitution lays the groundwork for the United States’ democratic system. Celebrating Constitution Day reminds us of the importance of this system and our role as active participants in shaping our government.
  2. Protecting Rights: The Constitution safeguards our individual rights and liberties, such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press. It serves as a reminder that these rights are not to be taken for granted and need our constant vigilance.
  3. Rule of Law: The Constitution establishes the principle of the rule of law, ensuring that no one, including those in power, is above it. This foundational document creates a system of checks and balances, preventing any one branch of government from becoming too powerful.
  4. Unity: Constitution Day is an opportunity for Americans from all walks of life to come together, united by a shared commitment to the principles enshrined in this historic document.

Constitution Day is a time to celebrate the enduring legacy of the United States Constitution, a document that has guided our nation through centuries of change. It reminds us of our collective responsibility to uphold the principles of democracy, protect individual rights, and ensure that the rule of law prevails. By engaging in educational activities, meaningful discussions, and civic participation, we can honor the Constitution’s significance and contribute to the ongoing vitality of our democracy.

We would love to hear your ideas on ways to celebrate next year!

Several snacks sit out on a decorated table. There's a flyer that says "celebrate constitution day", a card that says "we the people", and several booklets titled "The Constitution of the United States" artfully displayed