Fatigue And Aviation


Today April 26th, 2019 at the Kona Base, Chief Pilot Sean Hardesty enlighted the students about April’s Safety Topic  “Fatigue and Aviation”. Sean created a power point to aid in explaining what is fatigue, how it happens, and strategies to prevent fatigue. Sean was asked why this topic is so important to know and understand, “fatigue happens and it’s important to understand the signs and preventative strategies. 

If you didn’t know;  Defining fatigue in humans is extremely difficult due to the large variability of causes. Causes of fatigue can range from boredom to circadian rhythm disruption to heavy physical exertion. In lay terms, fatigue can simply be defined as weariness. However, from an operational standpoint, a more accurate definition might be: “Fatigue is a condition characterized by increased discomfort with lessened capacity for work, reduced efficiency of accomplishment, loss of power or capacity to respond to stimulation, and is usually accompanied by a feeling of weariness and tiredness.” Fatigue in Aviation, OK-07-193 FAA.

Want to learn more? Check out, www.faa.gov Fatigue in Aviation