TSA Process for International Students

Students enrolling in certain classes must register with the TSA. Find the information that you need for that registration below.

TSA Process

TSA Registration: The student if enrolling in either Private or Instrument courses must register with TSA at fts.tsa.dhs.gov and click on create a new student account link in upper right corner. You will be required to submit fingerprints to the TSA. If it is possible in your country to complete this step prior to coming to MLH, we strongly recommend that you do. If facilities for TSA fingerprinting are unavailable in your country, you may complete this step in Hawaii. This will, however, delay your training.

Notes for registering:

Private Training Instrument Training
Aircraft Name R22 R44
Course Name Private Helicopter Instrument Helicopter

Student ID is first four letters of student’s last name

Flight School Visa