MX Day

Mauna LoaNews

On Feb 15th 2019, MLH in Honolulu had MX day at the T-hanger with Yosuke.
Yosuke went over and demonstrated a few things with the students on N903KC. the students were able to take pictures of inside the helicopter and get in depth details of our R22.

This was a great opportunity for students to ask questions and to understand how much it takes to maintain a helicopter.

Topics discussed:
Flight controls
Fuel System
Air Intake
Ignition System
Main Rotor Hub
Start Up Procedure

Quotes from students:
What did you think about MX day?

Andrew Mchowell-PVT- “MX day was a great way to better understand the components of preflight and clearly view components that are not clearly visible.”

Max Shumway-PPP- “Seeing in depth of the helicopters game me a better understanding, and seeing things i’ve only heard about really made things more clear!”

Rene Dupont-CFI/IFR/II – “It was a very interesting afternoon. It was good o see the helicopters form a different angle and therefore learn more about helicopters. the mechanic explained the different things very well and it was interesting to listen to him. what I also liked was that we could ask the mechanic questions and he answered them in a simple words.”

Jojo Takamoto-Comm/CFI- “10/10 would recommend. Better than I first estimated, exceeded all my limitations! ( I’d give it 104%) I was keeping track and the information was definitely well balanced. I think collectively, everyone loved it. As for me, this was the fuel to my knowledge, the power stroke to my ambition, and the shower of sparks to my success. Please thank the Mechanics for coming in clutch!”