Western Canada
Who are you flying for currently?
I am a Pilot at Utility in Western Canada
What ratings do you hold?
Tell us about your career path.
I trained at Mauna Loa for my CFI and CFII. I had a blast and met some of the greatest people from all over the world that I am still close to today! After completing my program I was a CFI in California for a year before leaving to fly the AS350 in the Grand Canyon. I am now flying Utility in Western Canada in the AS350.
What other positions have you held?
I was a CFI in California for a year before leaving to fly the AS350 in the Grand Canyon.
Do you have any other comments or suggestions for those just beginning in the industry?
It's always great to meet with my friends from MLH and share old stories. "EHHH, We go Humpy's?"