Alpha Aviation in Anchorage, Alaska.
Mostly tours and photo flights. We bring guests to the glaciers, a dogsled camp, to an iceberg tour location, and to tons of amazing photo and hiking spots.
I began instructing at MLH Kona base, and then was the MLH Assistant Chief out of Honolulu, performing stage checks, tours, and photo & film flights. I moved to Alaska in Spring 2018 and worked flying tours for Tanalian Aviation, and now am working for Alpha Aviation this upcoming 2019 season.
Alaska is the land of gorgeous, mountainous terrain and lots of remote space. For the odd jobs I get out in the sticks, you have to be sure to plan your fuel accordingly! Tours can be really exhausting work, and you always need to have a smile on your face and roll with the punches, so having a great attitude and a strong work ethic is a must. Oh, and bears. You have to always be on the lookout for bears!
I’m a Whirly Girls member, and have received two scholarships- one from Survival Systems, USA for underwater egress training, and another from Erickson for longline.