Being the first full time female pilot to fly on the Alyeska Pipeline contract I would have to say is quite unique. What makes this job so unique is that it’s truly one of a kind. My main job is to fly surveillance of the pipe twice a week covering 208 pipeline miles beginning at Pump Station #1 (Prudhoe Bay). I also fly external loads when needed, medevacs and support the mountain top communication sites some as high as 5500 ft with tiny postage size landing pads. Of course most of the challenges are weather related. Nothing really different than anywhere else. Although our weather can be very extreme, we can go from a sunny day to a blizzard in a few short minutes and the extreme temperatures in the winter can dip below -60F on the really cold days. Then throw in the white out and flat light conditions and landing in snow where the aircraft sinks up to its belly is a challenge all on its own. But all in all, we are very safe and I don’t take any chances especially regarding the weather. It’s a blast!
Yes, my particular contract required an ATP rating even though it’s a VFR contract. My training specifically geared me to be prepared in the event I inadvertently went IMC.
It was detailed and conformed to my needs. I had only eleven days to attain my rating and I basically had my own personal instructor that worked like crazy to get me up to par with what I needed to know. Without MLH’s training I do not think that I would have successfully completed my ATP rating.
Yes, I already have!