Atlantic Airways for flight training, Private Government Official for Corporate.
40% of my Job is Flight Instruction and 60% is as a corporate helicopter pilot, which means I have to switch gears quite a bit from instruction to professional flying, which makes for a challenging and rewarding job.
Training at Mauna Loa was very professional and fun environment. I feel very fortunate to have had the instructors I did. Each one treated me with a great deal of attention to help me accomplish my goal. Although I have a great deal of responsibility, and very little flight time to be doing the type of flying I am. I feel confident, safe, and professional, thanks to the training I received at MLH.
The overall experience of training in paradise, and the friends I made from staff and fellow students! Friends and memories I will never forget.
I would definitely recommend Mauna Loa Helicopters for flight training. If you are interested in making a career change or starting one, Mauna Loa is the place to be. I left behind my hometown, career, and relationships to pursue a career in aviation. I had never been to Hawaii or lived anywhere other than my hometown so it was a major move for me. But the friends I made, and the experiences I had while flight training are the best of my life. I cherish every moment I spent, and friend I made, during my time on the Big Island.