Steve Pangle

Corporate/Charter Flights, Atlantic Airways
Faroe Islands
Who are you flying for currently?
I am a Corporate/Charter Flights at Atlantic Airways in Faroe Islands
Where are you flying and for what company?

Atlantic Airways for flight training, Private Government Official for Corporate.

What kind of helicopter(s) do you fly?
Robinson R44
What do you find unique, challenging, or fulfilling about your job?

40% of my Job is Flight Instruction and 60% is as a corporate helicopter pilot, which means I have to switch gears quite a bit from instruction to professional flying, which makes for a challenging and rewarding job.

Was there anything in particular that you learned at MLH that made you especially ready for a situation you have encountered since attending?

Training at Mauna Loa was very professional and fun environment. I feel very fortunate to have had the instructors I did. Each one treated me with a great deal of attention to help me accomplish my goal. Although I have a great deal of responsibility, and very little flight time to be doing the type of flying I am. I feel confident, safe, and professional, thanks to the training I received at MLH.

What did you like best about MLH?

The overall experience of training in paradise, and the friends I made from staff and fellow students! Friends and memories I will never forget.

Would you recommend Mauna Loa to others?

I would definitely recommend Mauna Loa Helicopters for flight training. If you are interested in making a career change or starting one, Mauna Loa is the place to be. I left behind my hometown, career, and relationships to pursue a career in aviation. I had never been to Hawaii or lived anywhere other than my hometown so it was a major move for me. But the friends I made, and the experiences I had while flight training are the best of my life. I cherish every moment I spent, and friend I made, during my time on the Big Island.
