Nathan Koller-Ingram

Pilot, US Army
Fort Rucker on Cairns Army Airfield
Who are you flying for currently?
I am a Pilot at US Army in Fort Rucker on Cairns Army Airfield
What ratings do you hold?
Professional Pilot Program
What kind of helicopter(s) do you fly?
I am flying the Lakota.
Tell us about your career path.

I started in the Airforce as a Structural Mechanic (Sheet Metal) and then worked on small aircraft in General Aviation. While working full-time as a mechanic at Mauna Loa Helicopters I completed the helicopter Professional Pilot Program. I then began my airplane training and while completing my airplane flight instructor certificates I operated as a private contractor providing flight instruction and flying tours in helicopters. While doing free-lance work (Including mechanic work and aircraft detailing) I leased an R44, built a 135 Air Carrier Certificate, and operated a successful tour business.
I eventually sold the business and moved from Hawaii to Texas to provide check rides to the FAA. While administering check rides to the FAA I encountered many Army Helicopter Aviators that shared their stories of Fort Rucker (Cairns Army Airfield), the world’s busiest heliport. I was inspired to take the challenge and the opportunity of a career supporting and training the US (United States) Army in the fully Instrument Rated, Multi-Engine Lakota (and the Full Motion Level 7 Simulator)!

Do you have any other comments or suggestions for those just beginning in the industry?

Be the perpetual student! Get the ATP, do the Airplane Add-on, take a mechanics course, and continue to challenge yourself to be the best aviator you can be while sharing passion and love for all things aviation.

Three smiling people in military fatigues and flight helmets stand in front of a helicopter