James Hardy

Pilot, Blue Hawaiian
Who are you flying for currently?
I am a Pilot at Blue Hawaiian in Waikoloa
Where are you flying and for what company?

Today, James is a round member of the Blue Hawaiian Helicopters team in Waikoloa on the Big Island. He flies the advanced EC130B4/T2 helicopters, providing unforgettable tour and charter experiences to visitors.

What kind of helicopter(s) do you fly?
Tell us about your career path.

Hailing from Kenya, James made his way to Hawaii to chase his dreams of becoming a professional pilot. With an F1 student visa in hand, he embarked on an intensive training program with Mauna Loa Helicopters (MLH).

In just 15 months, James completed the rigorous Professional Pilot Program, equipping himself with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the skies. But his journey didn’t stop there. Upon graduation, he joined MLH as a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI), sharing his newfound expertise with aspiring pilots. His dedication and talent quickly earned him a promotion, and he eventually ascended to the role of Chief Instruction Pilot before moving on to new horizons.

Was there anything in particular that you learned at MLH that made you especially ready for a situation you have encountered since attending?

Reflecting on his training at Mauna Loa Helicopters, James shares, "MLH provided me with invaluable 141/91/135 experience in Hawaii, including mountain flying, weather knowledge, and tours. The turbine time I accumulated flying 135 tours for Mauna Loa Helicopter Tours was particularly valuable."

What did you like best about MLH?

James Hardy's story is a testament to the opportunities and experiences that Mauna Loa Helicopters offers its students. From the peaks of Kenya to the tropical skies of Hawaii, James has soared to new heights, thanks to the foundation he built at MLH.

A man takes a selfie in front of a helicopter parked on a hill. A picturesque waterfall flows in the background.