Professional Pilot Program

Your career is ready for takeoff.

Professional Pilot Program

The Professional program is a comprehensive curriculum specifically designed for a student to earn a total of five FAA certificates and ratings. The Professional Pilot Program includes the Private, Commercial, Instrument, Certified Flight Instructor, and Certified Instrument Instructor ratings and can optionally include External Load, High-Density Altitude, Mountain and Valley, Class B, Offshore, and the Robinson training courses. This program prepares the student for their first job as flight instructors and professional helicopter pilots.

The following are average hours:

  • 200 flight hours (175 R22/ 25 R44)
  • 20 simulator hours
  • 280 ground training hours
  • 500 hours Total

To obtain a certificate or rating upon completion of each course, the student must meet FAA mandated levels of performance and pass the appropriate check ride with an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner. All flight and ground time is billed per hour. MLH defines a clock hour as 60 minutes. Please visit the MLH website for current hourly rates.

Required to receive a certificate of completion for the Professional Pilot Program:

The prices listed below apply to enrolled MLH students and do not include the additional fuel surcharge or the HI GE tax, which will be applied to reverted flights. Please note that the fuel surcharge is subject to weekly fluctuations based on fuel prices.

Professional Pilot Program Pricing

Unit Cost
R22 Dual Flight Hours
R22 Solo Flight Hours
R44 Dual Flight Hours
External Load Flight Hours
Simulator Hours
Ground Hours
Supervised Study Hours

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