Foreign Conversions
Licensed in another country but want your U.S. license? Start here.
- Confirm TCCA License contains the English Language Proficiency Endorsement
- Obtain Foreign Verification Letter
- Take FAA Canadian Conversion written exam at any FAA Testing Center, as appropriate to the Canadian Certificate Held and FAA Certificate Required
- Create an account and complete IACRA 8710 Application
- Make appointment with FAA DPE. With MLH, it can be done inhouse with Ben, our President who is also a DPE
- Ben vets’ documents/IACRA Application/logbook and issues the FAA Certificate with applicable Ratings
- Obtain FAA Medical
Please Note
Once the Foreign Verification letter is obtained, our team can assist with the rest of the steps upon arrival in Hawaii. We recommend applying for the letter 30-45 days prior to arrival date. For PPL(H) - DAY VFR Only Restrictions will be imposed on Certificates by the FAA if no TCCA Night Ratings are held. For CPL(H) – FAA needs corresponding TCCA certificate to not have a limitation to Day VFR. If such a restriction exists, the license cannot be converted and a PPL(H) will have to be issued with a restriction followed by training required to meet FAA Aeronautical Requirements followed by an FAA Commercial Practical Test before obtaining the desired CPL(H) license.

Other Countries
- Obtain Foreign Verification Letter
- Create an account and complete IACRA 8710 Application
- Make appointment with FAA DPE. With MLH, it can be done inhouse with Ben, our President who is also a DPE
- Ben vets’ documents/IACRA Application/logbook and issues the FAA Certificate with applicable Ratings
- Obtain FAA Medical
- Finish Aeronautical Requirements and FAA Knowledge Tests for desired licenses and go for check rides to obtain the applicable FAA Licenses.
If Foreign Airplane Ratings are held and the desire is to convert to an FAA Helicopter License, follow process as above to obtain FAA Foreign Based Private Airplane Rating. Then, enroll in our Add-On Courses. Take FAA Add-On Checkride for desired Rating.
For an ATPL Conversion
- Confirm License contains the English Language Proficiency Endorsement
- Obtain Foreign Verification Letter
- Create an account and complete IACRA 8710 Application
- Make appointment with Ben
- Take ATP(H) Checkride
Please note
To be eligible for the checkride, the aeronautical experience requirements as per FAR 61.161 must be met and the Foreign License held must be a minimum of CPL with an IR and no restrictions.