Aug 2007-Sept 2009
Currently working as a part 135 Tour Pilot for TEMSCO Helicopters in Juneau, Alaska.
I love flying in Alaska, it is a very challenging and demanding environment, also the company is great. They are very professional with an incredible maintenance program.
I think just an overall understanding of safe helicopter operations and good decision making, the flight can always be done at a later time and there is never any good reason to put yourself, your passengers or your aircraft (least important of the three) at risk.
I liked the level of training provided and the standards that were set forth and expected by both management and the instructors.
To current students: You are going to get out of it what you put into it, this is your trade so learn as much as you can and ask as many questions as you can from the experienced people that are available. To prospective students: Make sure that this is really something that you want and do your research. It is a large and expensive undertaking and will require a lot of dedication and hard work, both at school and at home. To instructors, don’t worry about your hours, ALWAYS put the needs of your students first. How you fly and conduct yourself will be reflected in every one of your students and will shape their careers. Teach them how to be safe and make good decisions; you might save their life or their passengers. Also it is a very small industry, don’t burn any bridges. I just want to say thank you to everyone there [at MLH] for providing me with an opportunity to make my dreams come true and for sticking by me when I needed you.